Friday 17 May 2013

Celtic Book Art (Manuscripts)


"A manuscript is any document written by hand" a manuscript does not include a document which is printed or reproduced in any other way. Pre-technology there was no way of creating/reproducing books thus all form of bound writing was called a manuscript.

"Manuscripts are not defined by their contexts" they may contain all sorts of information such as explanatory figures, illustrations and writing, Illuminated manuscripts are further decorated with pictures, border decorations, embossed letters or full-page illustrations.

Celtic Manuscripts

Book of Kells, Folio 292r, Incipit to John.
In principio erat verbum.

The Book of  Kells


Considered to be one of the best examples of Celtic art. Known for the amazing quality of the decoration, designs and visionary concepts. Also known worldwide as being the greatest illuminated manuscript referred to as the "Work of Angels". consisting of the four gospels of the new testament which depict the life of Christ. This manuscript is incomplete though normal for the time it was created . Thought to have more than on scribe in the creation . 


Shrouded in mystery, this book is author and date less as the important final page had been lost, this page held such detail's. Widely believed to be dated around 800 AD and was started at a monastery on the Scottish island of Lona founded by St Columba. 


Various materials were used to create the manuscript. Calf-skins for the folios, goose eggs the bind the pigments, cow horns for pots and feathers for quills. Previous manuscripts held only a narrow colour range, on the contrary the book of Kells displays a wide range of colours such as purple, lilac, red, pink, green, and yellow being the colours most often used. Great care was taken in the creation of this book as some of these colours were hard to come by and even harder to produce.

Book Contents 


Inside are pages of about 13½ by 9½ inches in size. The pages are embossed with traditional Celtic knots and interlacing patterns utilizing vibrant colours. Nature is displayed greatly as pictures of animals are fused together with the designs or running between the lines .

Other Manuscripts

The Cathach of Saint Columba (560-630 AD)

The Book of Durrow (ca. 650)


Manuscript - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Manuscript - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2013].

The Book of Kells - a treasure of world art. 2013. The Book of Kells - a treasure of world art. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2013].

Medieval Celtic Manuscripts. 2013. Medieval Celtic Manuscripts. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2013].

An Cathach: An Cathach?. 2013. An Cathach: An Cathach?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2013].

Book of Durrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Book of Durrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2013].

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