Tuesday 9 April 2013

Josip Kelava


Joaip Kelava featured in Advanced Photoshop Gallery
He studied and graduated from Swinburne Faculty of Design. He kept one thing im mind that a teacher had told him after he graduated.

“The worst thing a designer can do is not get noticed.”

Keeping that in mind he he learnt that it was not only important to make something look good but make the piece something that would strike the viewer emotionally. He used this as a motivational encouragement he pushed himself to make hie work as he says :

"bold, confident and memorable."

The artist may use various programs, such as the popular Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, also in conjunction with his digital manipulation he would need either stock images or images he would take manually.


" Canson & Arches National Photographic Competition – First Prize for Best Colour
   MADC Best Dimensional Mail – Bronze Award for Dulux Little Men
   Cannes Lion Promo & Activation - Bronze Award M&M’s Bare All "



Inspired from the music Dubstep . He listened to a track and got inspired to make these futuristic designs which he calls bold,calculated and systematic.

In my opnion the text resembles Egyptian hieroglyphs which would either be engraved on the walls. Theses are a form of evolved version of the tradition. The pictures mean letters not words or sentences thus a more contemporary form.

Click Magazine 2

This work reminds me of the thought the Cezanne had put forward which was "treat nature by the cylinder, the sphere, the cone". The artist through out the traditional symbols of text and used basic shapes to convey its meaning. The artist either left the text blank which would be can help the viewer decipher the words easier or added a photo background to the piece.

Melbourne Dance Company 2012

These piece resembles the Impressionists motive to enable them to observe nature more directly and to capture the fleeting characteristics of the moment which meant that the piece was trying to " capture the moment. We see this in the picture  as a ballet dancer is caught in mid jump. through the use of photography it is easier to capture the moment and convey it to the user producing a contemporary marketing design

The Chronicles of Narnia

The lions face is simplistic in design tough the way the mane flows outwards reminds me of the Baroque embellished art and architecture using natures twisted vines to decorate the piece. The lions mane does exactly that where the simplistic face is adorned by outward flowing designs.

Offensive Script

I take this to reason using all other art forms from the past. Each and every movement, era and period had the need to move on from the previous form and develop something different  something that would change the old into the new. Though not exactly like the past, meaning creating something such as the impressionism "capture the light on the world around us" or the cubist obsession on perspective. The artist used condemned vulgar words to give his piece a little more attention. Everyone is consumed by something that should be right yet is placed in open view for every one to see. 


Josip Kelava. 2011. Josip Keleva. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.josipkelava.com/41371/gallery. [Accessed 09 April 13].

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