Tuesday 5 March 2013


Somewhat defines the meaning of realism.

The origins of realism lie in the Discussions of a group of artists, writers and intellectuals in a parisian bar (Temple du Realism) in the late 1840 where they talked about the the latest artist trends politics and social issues.French Realism emerged in times of social hardship and political difficulty in France when early in 1848 the Third Revolutions  took place in Paris , n the mid nineteenth- century, Courbet's art caused much controversy at the state-sponsored salon because it went against standard academic practice

The artists considered themselves against the ideals of Romanticism where things where exaggerated to evoke the emotional characteristics of the artists. Realism sought to capture the reality and fought against the emotionalism of the romantics. Accuracy and truth where the primary goals of the Realists. A majority of oil paintings depict people at work symbolizing the industrial revolution at the time.

Comparison Table: http://www.macalester.edu/~hammarberg/russ251/romreal.html

What Defines Realism

Realism focused more on the accurate and truthful depiction of the subject which is shown by nature and real life. The previous movements of Romanticism and Classicism where rejected and thus creating a new contemporary movement which focused on every day activities and ordinary people who were deemed worthy of realist art. They aimed of portraying ordinary lives, problems, appearances, customs of the lower classes, humble, unexceptional and the unadorned.

Courbet, The Stonebreakers
Gustave Courbet, The Stonebreakers, 1849, Oil on canvas, 165 x 257 cm

In this picture we see the plight of the poor. We see two figures working to remove stone from the road that was currently being built. It is showing the hardship of the working class that they had to undergo to make pay. In realism these are the things that artists wanted to show to their viewers.


Smart History. 2013. The Stonebreakers. [ONLINE] Available at: http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/the-stonebreakers.html. [Accessed 07 April 13].

Arts My Passion. 2013. The Realism Art Movement. [ONLINE] Available at:http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/the-stonebreakers.html. [Accessed 07 April 13].

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